Wednesday 10 May 2023

Dancing Brimstone butterflies

10th May 2023 - a number of individual male and female Brimstone could be seen fluttering along the Old Railway Cutting today, and then suddenly, two came together and started an elaborate intertwining dance as they decided whether to mate. The female it seemed was more keen, settling on a nearby flower with abdomen raised in readiness, but the male somehow didn't get the message and fluttered away, settling some distance away - Andy M.

Female (paler, above) and male (yellower, below)

Female, settling unusually with wings open, and abdomen raised.

The apparently confused male settled some way off.

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The Aims of Abington Naturewatch

At their meeting on 9 April 2005 the members approved this revised version of the aims of Abington Naturewatch:

  • To monitor and record the wildlife (fauna & flora) within the borders of the Abingtons;
  • To encourage protection of our wildlife, maintain its quality and foster its diversity;
  • To promote awareness of the richness, potential and problems of the natural environment of the Abingtons;
  • To cooperate in improving access to the local natural environment for the benefit of all Abington villagers.

Pat Daunt, Founder

The organisation is informal and communication is by email if possible; members are notified of events from time to time. Contact details are maintained by a small "project team". There is currently no membership fee as costs are covered by voluntary contributions at events.

Members are encouraged to report notable sightings of flora and fauna within the Abingtons to the appropriate sector coordinator and an illustrated record is published annually.

A map of the area covered, with some features noted, is available here:>

For more information or to join, please contact David Farrant on (01223) 892871.

Contributions to our records should be sent to sector contacts or either of the above. Photographs may also be submitted to Andy Merryweather (