Sightings and news for the Naturewatch group of Great and Little Abington in Cambridgeshire, UK. See below for more details and information on how to join.
Monday 22 April 2019
News - first Grass Snake sighting this year
Derek T spotted a Grass Snake in their pond - thin and about 2 feet (60cm) long! He also reported a small Smooth Newt in the same pond. Anne D-N commented that there was lots of newt activity in their pond too, and that the Grass Snake was the first sighting of the year.
A special encounter with a Badger
Anne found plenty of snail shells in the morning, as evidence of their first encounter with a Badger in their garden in the 23 years they have lived on South Road!
Hairy-footed Flower bee
Friday 19 April 2019
News - The House Martins are back!
Derek T reports that the House Martins are back in the centre of the village again this evening.
Esme has a chat with Chris Packham!
Esme took along her copy of the Abington NatureWatch Record, and talked with Chris Packham about wildlife in her village! Chris was very interested to hear all about this, and looked in some detail at the invertebrate and butterfly lists in the Record. Esme told him about how she feeds the fox and hedgehog in her garden, and learned that Chris also feeds the foxes in his garden, and is now seeing cubs.
Chris also gave Esme some tips on a photo of a Goldfinch she took, and signed it for her. A wonderful chat with a really lovely and genuinely interested man!
News - First report this year of Speckled Wood butterfly
Anne D-N reported seeing two Speckled Wood butterflies in her garden on the LSA on Thursday 18th - seeing them dancing madly together in a helix. First report of this species this year!
Monday 15 April 2019
Newly-fledged young Robins in the garden
Old Railway Cutting - Swallow
Sunday 14 April 2019
Wild Flowers around Granta Park
Photos from David F and Andy M.
Saturday 13 April 2019
Fox along the Old Railway Cutting
Toad lurking in compost bag
Monday 8 April 2019
Peacock Butterfly
Sunday 7 April 2019
Yellow Archangel in flower in Sluice Wood
A member of the nettle family, Yellow Archangel (Lamiastrum galeobdolon) also commonly known as Artillery Plant, Aluminium Plant and Yellow Weasel-snout, is a widespread wild flower with several subspecies, including a variegated form (spp argentatum) which has silver patches on the leaves. Other cultivars have also been developed as garden plants.
Abington NatureWatch Programme 2019
Further details and information will be circulated ahead of each event.
Abington NatureWatch Programme 2019
Also shared was a guide to using the Blog
Abington NatureWatch Blog User Guide
News. Raven seen for the first time in the Abingtons
A Raven was seen flying over the Old Railway Cutting, early on Saturday morning.
At first heard, making a loud, deep and repeated 'kraw', it was flying low about 30 metres up, across the arable fields to the south of the railway cutting. It progressed, somewhat erratically, over the cutting and headed out towards Hildersham.
Even at a distance, the all-black bird appeared large and heavily-built. The large bill and thick-set 'feathery' neck, as well as the long primary wing feather 'fingers' and deep powerful wing beats, all seemed to set this bird apart from the usual Carrion Crow or Rook.
Andy M took a few photos, which he shared with a few birder friends for their opinion, and who agreed that this was indeed a Raven.
Apparently, Cambridgeshire has a few Raven reports each year, mostly in the south and east of the county, but they do seem to be spreading east. Excitingly, Derek confirmed that this is the first report of a Raven in The Abingtons.
News. First Swallow sighting this year
The first Swallow of this year was seen over the Old Railway Cutting, early on Saturday morning.
It was flying low and fast, heading north-east, and really didn't look as though it was going to be staying around long! Hopefully the birds that breed around the Abingtons will not be far behind - so keep a look out! - Andy M
Grey Wagtail along the river
Little Owl seen again on Granta Park
News. Holly Blue Butterfly - first of the season
The first Holly Blue Butterfly of the season was seen on 3rd April by Lois B.
Jennifer adds: ANW records indicate first sightings of Holly Blue in the village were also in early April over the last couple of years, but were later in the years before that:
2019 - 03 April
2018 - 03 April
2017 - 03 April
2016 - 04 May
2015 - 15 April
The Butterfly Conservation website describes the Holly Blue:
The Aims of Abington Naturewatch
At their meeting on 9 April 2005 the members approved this revised version of the aims of Abington Naturewatch:
- To monitor and record the wildlife (fauna & flora) within the borders of the Abingtons;
- To encourage protection of our wildlife, maintain its quality and foster its diversity;
- To promote awareness of the richness, potential and problems of the natural environment of the Abingtons;
- To cooperate in improving access to the local natural environment for the benefit of all Abington villagers.
The organisation is informal and communication is by email if possible; members are notified of events from time to time. Contact details are maintained by a small "project team". There is currently no membership fee as costs are covered by voluntary contributions at events.
Members are encouraged to report notable sightings of flora and fauna within the Abingtons to the appropriate sector coordinator and an illustrated record is published annually.
A map of the area covered, with some features noted, is available here:>
For more information or to join, please contact David Farrant on (01223) 892871.
Contributions to our records should be sent to sector contacts or either of the above. Photographs may also be submitted to Andy Merryweather (